Posts Tagged With: Semuc Champey

Take your life in your hands in Guatemala

This country can only be described as a fun place to visit.  Risks left, right and centre – there is plenty going on for the adventurous!

  • Toast marsh-mellows on molten lava from an active volcano.  Clambering on Mt Pacaya’s hot surface

    Sadly photo a bit blurred – couldn’t stand still due to melting shoes!!

    is one of the mad tourist experiences offered in Guatemala.  The hot red lava is usually evident as it flows across the surface.  Sadly however the day I was there it was only visible between the volcanic rocks below my feet.  Here there is no standing about for too long else your feet burn and your shoes melt – I kid you not!

  • Run the gauntlet of Guatemala City.  Billed as one of the most dangerous cities in the world my local bus had a police escort until well out of the city limits.  A friend of mine had to lie on her bus’s floor with all the other passengers to ensure the bus looked empty to deter hijackers.
  • Go caving in Semuc Champey.  No health and safety here, just plain madness!  The guide hands you a mere stub of a candle and invites you to follow him into the dark cave.  Swim through icy water avoiding sharp submerged rocks, scramble over slightly more visible rocks and ascend slippery ladders – all whilst holding your flickering light source aloft.  After an hour of this extreme obstacle course we returned via the same route.  Not unsurprisingly most candles failed to make the return journey, equalling even murkier conditions.  Hazardous, but fun!
  • If you happen to be in the right place at the right time, watch a lunar eclipse from Mayan ruins.  These ancient temples, built in alignment with the sun and moon, provided a mystical setting and an unforgettable experience.
Categories: adventure, Central America, iconic, The Americas | Tags: , , , , , | Leave a comment

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