Amusing anecdotes – those stories that don’t seem to fit anywhere else….

…….. have been bundled together into a miscellaneous blog post – enjoy!

  • Don’t use aged cotton buds to clean your ears when alone in a hostel.  Cue some embarrassment when the stick snaps and you have the bud left in your ear canal.  Trying to explain to a non English speaker in reception that you need their assistance in removing the aforementioned offending item is not easy.  When they finally understood my predicament I had a guy poking inside my ear with a paperclip whilst three more people watched.  Not my finest hour!
  • Upon arrival in Singapore I had no accommodation arranged, and yet again there was no space at the first few hostels I tried.  The outcome at hostel #4 was that I could pay for a room as opposed to a bed in a dormitory, I happily agreed.  Three backpackers then arrived also having no luck at finding accommodation.  It was suggested that I share with the girl, which meant everyone had a bed and it was cheaper too – hooray!
Could have sworn I was here…

However it wasn’t mentioned that the rooms were doubles.  Meaning I had to share a bed with someone I had only just met……  To make matters worse I woke in the middle of the night, sat upright and said “We can’t sleep here we’ll get eaten alive.  There are too many mosquitoes and sand flies”  I then went on to say that the beach wasn’t the best place to sleep.  My new aquaintance said “Well it’s OK we’re not on the beach”.  I pointed to the flashing light on the air conditioning unit and proclaimed it to be atop a mast of a boat just anchored off the beach.  Oh the embarassment!!

  • Upon meeting an American on my travels I mentioned I was living in Australia.  He then asked me if they had the Euro as yet.  Geographically challenged!
Chester chicken!
  • In Sri Lanka establishments are not allowed to serve alcohol when it’s a full moon.  Ingeniously on that evening you are served beer in a teapot.  Well needs must…
  • There is a brand of chicken in Brazil called “Chester”.  True!
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